Squeeze Die Casting + T6 Heat Treatment

FT-semi-solid aluminum alloy extrusion casting, is the use of GISSCO's semi-solid technology, GISS Metal Paste Section using FT-semi-solid extrusion casting aluminum alloy casting products, have the following core competencies.

By high-pressure extrusion casting molding composite manufacturing process, with high density and high strength characteristics, is a relatively high quality can be used to improve the aluminum casting porosity of the new process.

1. Undertake to do T6 heat treatment without blistering.

2. Welding without bursting holes.

3. No sand holes inside the casting (porosity)

4. High strength & stable mechanical properties.

5. Mold life is more than double.

6. Can do complex structure castings (compared with the traditional squeeze casting)

7. Can do thin-walled parts (compared with traditional extrusion casting).